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Chinese Beginner I Get familiar with Chinese words and pronunciations
    Lesson 1 --- Animal of the year 生肖动物  Lessons 1-30 are introductory lessons for beginners who never spoke Chinese. We use simple flash cards to teach listening and pronunciations. More flash cards can be found in the Supplement.    Lesson 2 --- Snail 蜗牛    Lesson 3 --- Camel 骆驼    Lesson 4 --- Giraffe 长颈鹿    Lesson 5 --- Airplane 飞机    Lesson 6 --- Armchair 沙发    Lesson 7 --- Hare 兔子    Lesson 8 --- Pen     Lesson 9 --- Angry 气愤    Lesson 10 -- Lip 嘴唇     Lesson 11 --- Happy Birthday 祝你生日快乐    Lesson 12 ---Baby 婴儿    Lesson 13 ---I like 我喜欢    Lesson 14 ---One's     Lesson 15 ---This is 这是    Lesson 16 ---She is skating 她在溜冰    Lesson 17---I like 我喜欢    Lesson 18 ---Up and down 上下    Lesson 19 ---Long bridge 大桥    Lesson 20 ---Hello 您好    Lesson 21 ---Animal 动物    Lesson 22 ---Fish     Lesson 23 --- Insect 昆虫    Lesson 24 ---Fly     Lesson 25 ---Beautiful 漂亮    Lesson 26 ---Fast     Lesson 27 ---Sport 体育运动    Lesson 28 ---Speak 说话    Lesson 29 ---Have     Lesson 30 ---Tall
Chinese Beginner II Basics of pronunciation
    Lesson 1 --- 拼音 Phonics a  We teach Pinyin --- how to pronounce and speak Chinese --- before we teach how to write Chinese. For non-native speakers, these practices will be very helpful for listen and speak Chinese.    Lesson 2 --- 拼音 Phonics Tones    Lesson 3 --- 拼音 Phonics a o e    Lesson 4 --- 拼音 Phonics b p m f    Lesson 5 --- 拼音 Phonics i u ü    Lesson 6 --- 拼音 Phonics d t n l    Lesson 7 --- 拼音 Phonics g k h    Lesson 8 --- 拼音 Phonics ai ei ui    Lesson 9 --- 拼音 Phonics j q x    Lesson 10 --- 拼音 Phonics ao ou iu    Lesson 11 --- 拼音 Phonics z c s    Lesson 12 --- 拼音 Phonics    Lesson 13 --- 拼音 Phonics zh ch sh r    Lesson 14 --- 拼音 Phonics    Lesson 15 --- 拼音 Phonics y w    Lesson 16 --- 拼音 Phonics ie ue er    Lesson 17 --- 拼音 Phonics an en    Lesson 18 --- 拼音 Phonics in un ün    Lesson 19 --- 拼音 Phonics    Lesson 20 --- 拼音 Phonics ang eng ing ong    Lesson 21 --- Hello 你好    Lesson 22 --- Welcome 欢迎    Lesson 23 --- Bye 再见    Lesson 24 --- Please 请    Lesson 25 --- Weather 天气    Lesson 26 --- Right 对    Lesson 27 --- Today 今天    Lesson 28 --- O�clock 点    Lesson 29 --- Money 钱    Lesson 30 --- Want 要
Chinese Beginner III Short conversations
    Lesson 1 --- Numbers 一去二三里    Lesson 2 --- How many 多少    Lesson 3 --- How much 多少    Lesson 4 --- Date 日期    Lesson 5 --- Time 时间    Lesson 6 --- Where 哪里    Lesson 7 --- What 什么    Lesson 8 --- Who 谁    Lesson 9 --- How are you 你好吗    Lesson 10 --- Thank you very much 非常感谢    Lesson 11 --- Appointment 预约    Lesson 12 --- Reservations 预约    Lesson 13 --- Help 帮忙    Lesson 14 --- Weather 天气    Lesson 15 --- Go to 去    Lesson 16 --- Past event 过    Lesson 17 --- Future plans 准备    Lesson 18 --- Chinese dish 菜    Lesson 19 --- Price 价钱    Lesson 20 --- Praises 很好    Lesson 21 --- Sports 运动    Lesson 22 --- School 学校    Lesson 23 --- Work 工作    Lesson 24 --- Business 生意    Lesson 25 --- Direction 方向    Lesson 26 --- Hobby 爱好    Lesson 27 --- Family 家    Lesson 28 --- Marry 结婚    Lesson 29 --- Religion 宗教    Lesson 30 --- Vote 投票
Chinese Intermediate I Begin to read and write, more conversations
    Lesson 1 --- Wind 风    Lesson 2 --- Moon 月    Lesson 3 --- Lost girl 迷失的女孩    Lesson 4 --- Who do you believe 相信谁    Lesson 5 --- Happy fish 鱼快乐    Lesson 6 --- Let a fool pass 给傻瓜让路    Lesson 7 --- Crescent time 变成月牙时    Lesson 8 --- Shaving 刮胡子    Lesson 9 --- Run faster than you 跑得比你快    Lesson 10 --- Who said this 说这种话的人    Lesson 11 --- No scolding 没有骂人    Lesson 12 --- Sky is falling 杞人忧天    Lesson 13 --- Old horse 老马识途    Lesson 14 --- Spring morning 春眠    Lesson 15 --- Coming Home 回乡    Lesson 16 --- Crow drinks water 乌鸦喝水    Lesson 17 --- Little monkey 小猴子下山    Lesson 18 --- Big dye jar 大染缸    Lesson 19 --- Paint ghost 画鬼    Lesson 20 --- Moon in the water 水中捞月    Lesson 21 --- Arguing about the Sun 小儿辩日    Lesson 22 --- Waiting for rabbit 守株待兔    Lesson 23 --- Pull up to grow crops 拔苗助长    Lesson 24 --- Two little goats 两只小山羊    Lesson 25 --- Camel 骆驼    Lesson 26 --- Snail 蜗牛    Lesson 27 --- A shepherd boy 说谎的放羊娃    Lesson 28 --- Wind and Sun 风与太阳    Lesson 29 --- Grass 草    Lesson 30 --- Thoughts in the silent night 夜思
Chinese Intermediate II Basic grammars
    Lesson 1 --- 汉字的结构 1    Lesson 2 --- 汉字的结构 2    Lesson 3 --- 一音多字,一字多音    Lesson 4 --- 字,语素,词, 句    Lesson 5 --- 单音与双音词    Lesson 6 --- 词的合成    Lesson 7 --- 缩减和扩展    Lesson 8 --- 名词、动词、形容词    Lesson 9 --- 数词、量词    Lesson 10 --- 副词、代词    Lesson 11 --- 连词    Lesson 12 --- 介词    Lesson 13 --- 助词、语气词    Lesson 14 --- 常见错误 1    Lesson 15--- 短语    Lesson 16 --- 成语    Lesson 17 --- 句子的结构    Lesson 18 --- 主谓句 1    Lesson 19 --- 主谓句 2    Lesson 20 --- 非主谓句    Lesson 21 --- 有、是、把、被    Lesson 22 --- 感叹句、祈使句    Lesson 23--- 疑问句、反问句    Lesson 24 --- 常见错误 2    Lesson 25 --- 复句 1    Lesson 26 --- 关联词    Lesson 27 --- 复句 2    Lesson 28 --- 标点符号    Lesson 29 --- 语句的节奏    Lesson 30 --- 语调
Chinese Intermediate III More readings and writing
Coming soon.
Chinese Advanced I Advanced topics in reading and writing
Coming soon.
Chinese Advanced II Advanced topics in reading and writing
Coming soon.
Chinese Advanced III Advanced topics in reading and writing
Coming soon.
Business Chinese Information and Chinese vocabulary for doing business in China.
    Lesson 1 --- About China 中国简介    Lesson 2 --- Business people 生意人    Lesson 3 --- Governments 政府    Lesson 4 --- Geography 地理Geography    Lesson 5 --- Banking and exchange 银行与兑换    Lesson 6 --- Greetings 问候    Lesson 7 --- Work day 工作日    Lesson 8 --- Holidays 假日    Lesson 9 --- Travel 旅行     Lesson 10 --- Stock market 股市    Lesson 11 --- Tax 税    Lesson 12 --- Sales 销售    Lesson 13 --- Marketing 推销    Lesson 14 --- Accounting 财会     Lesson 15 --- Manufacturing 制造    Lesson 16 --- Transportation 交通    Lesson 17 --- Import / export 进出口    Lesson 18 --- Investment 投资    Lesson 19 --- Business contract 生意合同    Lesson 20 --- Industries 工业    Lesson 21 --- Human resources 人事    Lesson 22 --- Education 教育    Lesson 23 --- High Tech 高科技     Lesson 24 --- Housing 住房    Lesson 25 --- School for children 小孩上学    Lesson 26 --- Communities 社区    Lesson 27 --- Healthcare 医疗    Lesson 28 --- Shopping 购物    Lesson 29 --- Entertainment 娱乐    Lesson 30 --- Chinese food 中餐
Chinese Painting
Coming soon.
Abacus Chinese abacus and modern mathematical computing
    Lesson 1 --- Introduction    Lesson 2 --- Addition    Lesson 3 --- Subtraction    Lesson 4 --- Multiplication    Lesson 5 --- Division    Lesson 6 --- Abacus and computer    Lesson 7 --- Square root
The Go Game
Coming soon.
Chinese Chess Learn how to play Chinese chess (Xiang Qi)
    Lesson 1 --- Introduction    Lesson 2 --- Pieces    Lesson 3 --- Rules    Lesson 4 --- Rook    Lesson 5 --- Horse    Lesson 6 --- Cannon    Lesson 7 --- Advisor    Lesson 8 --- Elephant    Lesson 9 --- Pawn    Lesson 10 --- King    Lesson 11 --- Common mistakes    Lesson 12 --- Attack techniques 1    Lesson 13 --- Attack techniques 2    Lesson 14 --- Attack techniques 3    Lesson 15 --- Attack techniques 4    Lesson 16 --- Attack techniques 5    Lesson 17 --- Endgame 1    Lesson 18 --- Endgame 2    Lesson 19 --- Endgame 3    Lesson 20 --- Endgame 4    Lesson 21 --- Opening 1    Lesson 22 --- Opening 2    Lesson 23 --- Middle game    Lesson 24 --- Traps    Lesson 25 --- Culture    Lesson 26 --- People    Lesson 27 --- Record    Lesson 28 --- International Chess    Lesson 29 --- Chinese chess and computer    Lesson 30 --- Competitions
Coming soon.


Flash Cards: hundreds of flash cards for enriching your vocabulary.
Pin Yin: learn Chinese pronunciation by learning Pinyin.
Tests: thousands of test problems for practicing listening, reading and writing.
Find mistakes: learn to avoid common mistakes in pronunciation, listening, reading and writing.
How to write Chinese: learn structure of Chinese characters and how to write Chinese.
How to type Chinese: learn how to input Chinese on a computer.
How to use Chinese-English dictionary: learn stroke count and BuShou (Radical) index.
Chinese pronunciation standard: The national standard for Chinese word pronunciations.
Chinese and English Grammar: explain the differences in Chinese and English grammars.

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