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Generate Your Own Secret Codes

Choose your method of coding:
Choose your key word (if required):

Input your original message in English:

Your coded message:


Caesar Cipher: Caesar cipher rotates alphabet by a number of positions.

Columnar Transposition: The program generates an irregular columnar transposition of your message. A key word is required for coding and decoding. The keyword should not have duplicate characters.

Morse Code: Characters that are not in Morse code are ignored.

Numbers For Letters: This code changes a letter to its position in the alphabet, e.g., 1 for A, 2 for B, ..., and 26 for Z.

Rail Fence Cipher: Rail fence cipher needs a numberical key for number of "rails". If no numberical key is provided, it will use the defaut value 3.

Reverse Alphabet: This code reverses the order of alphabet, i.e., A is changed to Z, B is changed Y and so on.

Reverse Words: This simple codes reverse each word.

ROT13: ROT13 is a simple Caesar cipher.

Simple Substitution: Simple substitution uses the keyword to substitute the alphabet.

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