Learning Chinese


Classroom Reading Room Game Room East Mall
  Black Bear traded a bag of rice for a
basket of eggs. He got a big surprise...

Fox Borrows Tiger�s Terror
Who is the King of the forest? Fox or tiger?

One Hundred Family Names
One Hundred Family Names used to be a
must read for pupils learning Chinese.
It�s no longer included in Chinese
textbooks. Reading it will help you to
familiarize Chinese names.

中国历史 盘古开天地
  At the beginning, the Universe was a ball
of chaotic gas, there was no light and there
was no sound. Then Pan Gu was born...

沙扬娜拉一首  A poem of Goodbye 
赠日本女郎 To a Japanese Girl 

诗歌  Poem 
春晓  Spring Morning

中国历史 Chinese History
炎黄子孙 Children of Yan and Huang
  Do you know who were the ancestors of the Chinese people?  

三毛流浪记(一) The Stories of Homeless San Mao
孤苦伶仃 Orphaned and Helpless

汉字的结构  (一) Structure of Chinese Characters

Structure of Chinese Characters